
Whether you are in the showbiz industry, work as a professional, or are a teenage student, aligning your crooked teeth without making them noticeable can be a long-held dream. While traditional metal braces can hinder your picture-perfect smile, the latest technologies have stepped to your rescue. One such treatment that has grown immensely popular in recent times is Invisalign

This clear aligner treatment leverages clear braces to blend them with your teeth. This prevents the aligners from popping out and telling the world about your treatment. You can opt for this dedicated orthodontics care and get tooth-coloured aligners to avail a more personalized treatment. 

What is Invisalign?

This is an FDA-approved orthodontic treatment that uses clear, custom-made aligners to straighten teeth gradually. Clear aligners are made from a comfortable, smooth material that is gentle on the gums and teeth. These are virtually invisible and can easily be removed for eating, brushing, or flossing.

Studies suggest that the global clear aligners market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 19.7 percent by 2028. This stems from the fact that people now tend to pick aligners over metal braces. 

This treatment is an alternative to metal braces and can be used to treat a wide variety of orthodontic issues. The treatment is customized for each patient, and the length of treatment varies depending on the individual case. 

How Does it Work? 

The treatment can be the ultimate game-changer if you are looking to improve your smile in no time. In most cases, clear aligners are likely to work more effectively than metal braces, saving you from possible pain and discomfort as well. 

The treatment can help people fix most of their dental issues around underbites, overbites, open bites, gappy teeth, or crowded teeth. It requires less time than braces and allows you more flexibility. The standard procedure for these aligners includes:

  • Firstly, you must consult with your orthodontist about your treatment and submit your bite impressions. These impressions are forwarded to Invisalign, which makes customized aligners or trays that fit your specific requirements. 
  • The clear aligner brand relies on 3D imaging technology to prepare your aligners based on the impressions received. You get multiple aligners created to straighten your teeth. 
  • After your appointment with the orthodontist, you can start wearing your aligners as directed. One particular set of aligners lasts up to 2 weeks, after which you must switch to a new pair. These are worn throughout the day. However, you can remove them while eating, brushing, or flossing. 
  • You must visit your orthodontist after six weeks to mark the improvement and adjust the aligners based on the current teeth alignment. These clear aligners purposefully and gently straighten your teeth and get them into the desired shape. 

Popular Benefits of Clear Aligners

The clear aligner treatment offers a plethora of benefits that can help make your journey of getting the best teeth easier. Being practically invisible, they align your teeth without anyone knowing. This keeps up your confidence while you undergo the treatment. Another advantage of these aligners is that you can remove them at your convenience while eating or performing oral care.

Clear aligners are incredibly comfortable to wear and do not irritate your gums, as in the case of metal wires. You get customized aligners that are the perfect fit for your teeth and help achieve your desired alignment. 

Effectiveness of This Treatment

These clear aligners are effective at straightening teeth and can be used to treat a wide variety of dental problems. It takes an average of 8 to 9 months to show visible improvement in your teeth alignment in contrast to metal braces, which can take up to two years for the treatment. You can also opt for aligner retainers once your active treatment is completed to prevent your teeth from returning to the same shape.


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