The average investor may find the world of cryptocurrencies intimidating, especially if unfamiliar with blockchain technology and smart contracts. Individuals who may otherwise not be so confident to invest in a digital token or cryptocurrency get attracted by the potential of several new digital currencies, like ERC-20 tokens

A basic understanding of some crucial characteristics of many of the current digital currencies is helpful in assisting an investor in leading them toward the safest and soundest financial decisions. 

This is the case even though it is undoubtedly possible for investors to succeed in the cryptocurrency space without having in-depth technical knowledge. The ERC-20 tokens standard is one of the key ideas that underpin a significant percentage of the market and is particularly important to smart contracts and smart property.

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The Ethereum blockchain uses a scripting standard known as “ERC-20.” This technical standard specifies a set of guidelines and procedures that an Ethereum token or smart contract must adhere to and the processes necessary to put them into practice. ERC-20 can best be seen as a collection of fundamental rules and requirements to which any new tokens produced in the Ethereum network must adhere.

Benefits of ERC-20

ERC is “Ethereum request for comment,” and “request for comment” is a term that was developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force to communicate important technical notes and needs to a group of developers and users.

The development of new tokens in the bitcoin field has long largely followed the ERC-20 standard, and it has been especially well-liked by crowdfunding and ICO companies. Thousands of unique tokens that operate following the ERC-20 standard have now been issued.


ERC 20 was developed in 2015 by Ethereum developers on behalf of the larger Ethereum community, and it received official recognition in September of that same year. 

A developer must submit an Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP), which details the additional functionality and its particular protocols and standards, to set a standard of this kind for Ethereum. The ERC is created when a committee has reviewed, approved, amended, and finalised the EIP.

Ethereum’s smart contracts and other features must adhere to one of the recognised standards. Although ERC 20 is arguably the most significant and well-known of all ERC standards, there are other ones as well.

The ERC 20 Standard

A coin that is compliant with ERC-20 must be able to implement a number of its functions.

  • TotalSupply: Information about the overall token supply is provided by TotalSupply.
  • BalanceOf: displays the owner’s account balance.
  • Transfer: carries out transfers of a predetermined quantity of tokens to a predetermined address.
  • TransferFrom: Executes transfers of a specified quantity of tokens from a specific address using the TransferFrom command.
  • Approve: permit a spender to take a specific number of tokens out of a particular account.
  • Allowance: returning a certain quantity of tokens to the owner from a spender.

Up to two events may also be activated by these functions, including the transfer event and the approval/validation event.

ERC-20 tokens can currently be traded peer-to-peer between users or on cryptocurrency exchanges.


Although ERC 20 has received a lot of support in the form of additional tokens that follow its rules, many in the development community think ERC-20 is constrained or faulty in one or more ways. Therefore, various alternative token standards have also been put forth since the creation of ERC-20. 

A concern with the approval and transfer components of ERC-20 is one of these, and it is addressed by ERC 223. These new protocol proposals partially build on the ERC-20 standard.


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