Diwali Padwa, also known as Padva or Varshapratipada, marks the first day of the Indian Hindu calendar year and is celebrated with immense joy and enthusiasm across India and countries with significant Hindu populations. Falling on the day following Diwali, the festival of lights, Diwali Padwa holds a special significance in various regions of India and among different communities. It is a time for new beginnings, prosperity, and the renewal of bonds with family and friends.

Significance of Diwali Padwa

Diwali Padwa holds a pivotal place in Hindu traditions and is celebrated for multiple reasons:

New Year Celebrations

Diwali Padwa signifies the beginning of the new Hindu calendar year, based on the Vikram Samvat calendar followed in North India.

Marriage of Lord Vishnu with Goddess Lakshmi

In some regions, Diwali Padwa marks the marriage of Lord Vishnu with Goddess Lakshmi, symbolizing love, prosperity, and harmony in relationships.

Commemoration of King Vikramaditya’s Coronation

In Maharashtra, Diwali Padwa honors the historical coronation of King Vikramaditya, marking auspicious beginnings and victories.

Agricultural Significance

For agrarian communities, Diwali Padwa represents the start of the harvest season and is a time for expressing gratitude to the land and livestock for their bountiful yield.

Traditions and Rituals

Diwali Padwa is celebrated with a multitude of customs and traditions that add vibrancy and fervor to the festivities. Some of the common rituals observed during Diwali Padwa include:

  • Decorating Homes: Homes are adorned with rangoli, diyas (earthen lamps), and torans (door hangings) to welcome prosperity and good luck.

  • Puja and Aarti: Families gather to perform Lakshmi Puja in the evening, seeking blessings for wealth and well-being. Aarti is performed to ward off negative energies and invite positivity.

  • Gift Giving: Exchanging sweets, dry fruits, and gifts among relatives and friends is a common practice during Diwali Padwa.

  • Wearing New Clothes: Wearing new clothes signifies a fresh start and is considered auspicious during this festive occasion.

  • Feasting: Elaborate meals featuring traditional dishes are prepared and shared with loved ones, symbolizing abundance and togetherness.

Celebrations Across India

Diwali Padwa is celebrated with regional variations, each adding unique flavors to the festivities. Some of the diverse ways in which Diwali Padwa is commemorated include:


In Maharashtra, Diwali Padwa is celebrated with great fervor as Gudi Padwa, symbolizing the start of the Marathi New Year. People hoist Gudis (brightly colored silk cloth adorned with ornaments) outside their homes as a symbol of victory and joy.


In Gujarat, Diwali Padwa is observed as Bestu Varas, where people offer prayers to Lord Krishna and seek blessings for a prosperous year ahead. The day is marked with the exchange of gifts and sweets among family members.


In Karnataka, Diwali Padwa is known as Bali Padyami, commemorating King Bali’s devotion to Lord Vishnu. People perform special rituals and visit temples to seek the Lord’s blessings.


In Punjab, Diwali Padwa coincides with Bandi Chhor Divas, celebrating the release of Guru Hargobind Ji and 52 other princes from imprisonment. Sikhs visit gurdwaras, light diyas, and participate in community prayers.

Tamil Nadu

In Tamil Nadu, Diwali Padwa is known as Varsha Pirappu or Tamil Puthandu, marking the Tamil New Year. People visit temples, prepare a traditional feast called Pongal, and decorate their homes with kolams (rangoli).

Eco-Friendly Celebrations

In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on celebrating Diwali Padwa in an eco-friendly manner to reduce environmental impact. Some green practices that can be adopted include:

  • Using Eco-Friendly Decorations: Opt for biodegradable materials like fresh flowers, clay lamps, and organic colors for rangoli.

  • Minimizing Firecracker Usage: Instead of polluting firecrackers, choose eco-friendly alternatives like sky lanterns or opt for silent celebrations with diyas and candles.

  • Conserving Electricity: Turn off unnecessary lights and opt for energy-efficient LED lamps to reduce electricity consumption during the festivities.


1. What is the significance of Gudi Padwa in Diwali Padwa celebrations?

Answer: Gudi Padwa is celebrated as the Marathi New Year and symbolizes victory, prosperity, and the conquest of good over evil.

2. Why is Lakshmi Puja performed during Diwali Padwa?

Answer: Lakshmi Puja is performed to seek the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi, the deity of wealth and prosperity, for a flourishing year ahead.

3. How is Diwali Padwa different from Diwali?

Answer: Diwali Padwa falls on the day after Diwali and marks the beginning of the new Hindu calendar year, while Diwali celebrates the victory of light over darkness.

4. What are some traditional dishes prepared during Diwali Padwa?

Answer: Some common traditional dishes prepared during Diwali Padwa include puran poli, shrikhand, poori, chana masala, and sheera.

5. How can one celebrate an eco-friendly Diwali Padwa?

Answer: To celebrate Diwali Padwa in an eco-friendly manner, one can use biodegradable decorations, minimize firecracker usage, and conserve electricity by using energy-efficient lighting.

6. Is Diwali Padwa a public holiday in India?

Answer: Diwali Padwa is not a nationwide public holiday in India, but it is widely celebrated by Hindus across the country.

7. What is the agricultural significance of Diwali Padwa?

Answer: For agrarian communities, Diwali Padwa marks the start of the harvest season and is a time to express gratitude for the bountiful yield from the land.

8. How do families typically exchange gifts during Diwali Padwa?

Answer: Families exchange gifts such as sweets, dry fruits, decorative items, clothes, and home appliances as tokens of love and good wishes during Diwali Padwa celebrations.

9. What is the spiritual significance of performing aarti during Diwali Padwa?

Answer: Aarti is a devotional ritual performed to ward off negative energies, invite positive vibrations, and seek blessings for health, wealth, and happiness during Diwali Padwa.

10. How can one extend Diwali Padwa celebrations to the community?

Answer: To extend Diwali Padwa celebrations to the community, one can organize cultural events, charity drives, or food donation activities to spread joy and solidarity among neighbors and underprivileged groups.

Diwali Padwa, with its rich traditions, colorful celebrations, and profound symbolism, embodies the spirit of new beginnings and the enduring values of love, prosperity, and unity. As families come together to rejoice in the festive spirit, the essence of Diwali Padwa shines brightly as a beacon of hope and happiness for the year ahead.


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